15-02-2017 was a date to remember for our blog, because we lived a new and exciting experience- we had the chance to take part in a very interesting Master at Roma Tre University, as guests. As a matter of fact Professor Barbara Antonucci and ProfessorMaddalena Pennacchia invited us to talk about our blog in a lecture for the Master Linguaggi del Turismo e Comunicazione Interculturale (Tourism Languages and Intercultural Communication), so we went back to the place were we used to be students and were we built our deep passion for the English language and culture.
This Master’s really interesting, as it offers a solid knowledge of theoric and practical approach to tourism as well as an analysis of the cultural, organizational, and regulatory aspects of this phenomenon. (If you want to know more about it, just click here).
First thing in the morning we attended a lecture by Professor Pennacchia entitled Turismo letterario e creatività: il caso di Shakespeare e Jane Austen (Literary Tourism and creativity: Shakespeare and Jane Austen’s case). The lecture was very captivating and there was a lively feedback from the students- we were absolutely focused and we didn’t miss a single word, as we were fascinated by the subject. We had the chanche to learn and think a lot.
After this lecture, we had an entire hour to talk about The Sisters’ Room. We were so excited and a bit tense, especially at the beginning, but eventually we managed to talk about how the idea of creating a blog was born, about our past, present and future goals, about how we organize our work and management of the blog and all our social networks as well. We were pleased and surprised when we realized the students had lots of questions for us, and it was such a pleasure to interact with them at the end of the lecture. It really was an amazing experience, and we’ll definitely cherish it in time. We got emotional, we had fun, we learnt a lot… and then we surrendered to a bit of melhancoly, and we had a tour of the University remembering the great old times. Despite our pics on Instagram, our hashtags on Twitter, our links on Facebook, we’ve still got a Brontë soul after all.
