Emily Brontë: is there a second novel?

Emily Brontë: il secondo romanzo esiste? Pin it

Emily Brontë died on this day in 1848. She has always been the most mysterious of the Brontë sisters. There are no evidences of any important relationships ouside the ones she had in her own family; we don’t know how she used to spend her time during her long walks on the moors. Even her well-known …

Birds in Wuthering Heights- An Article by Maddalena De Leo

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In an interesting article by Emily Roberson Wallce published in Brontë Studies, September 2016[1], the peculiar role of birds in Wuthering Heights is addressed by the author. In Emily Brontë’s novel, not less than fifty species of birds are mentioned and they are used as symbols of the unhappiness that pervades Wuthering Heights, perfectly in line with …

Wuthering Heights 1978: A Winning Challenge By BBC- Article By Maddalena De Leo

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I think that the 1978 BBC dramatization Wuthering Heights in two DVD discs is really to be considered the best among the various screen adaptations of Emily Brontë’s novel ever realized. Of course BBC dramatizations are always of the finest level (Pride &Prejudice, North and South etc.) but the public will be amazed in finding this …

An Horoscope In Dutch For Emily Brontë (first part)- An Article By Maddalena De Leo

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In June 2006 while surfing the net and looking as usual for any Brontë-related topic, I found absolutely by chance an astrological site in which, to my utmost wonder, a Dutch astrologist was proposing an eleven pages long and detailed ‘horoscope’ for …. Emily Brontë! My discovery was really exciting for me and surely for …