A review by Maddalena De Leo

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Walking The Invisible by Michael Stewart (2021) The new book by Michael Stewart, true son of Yorkshire already acclaimed as the author of Ill Will, is a very enjoyable and original reading. In the twelve chapters of Walking the Invisible (HarperCollins 2021), whose title mirrors that of Sally Wainwright’s 2016 “biopic” To Walk Invisible, the …

NORTHANGERLAND AND THE PIRATE, an article by Maddalena De Leo

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Branwell Brontë always identified himself with Northangerland, a fictional character he invented- a very shady and tormented one. Branwell made him the main character of his tales, and wrote for him bizarre adventures, odd misdeeds, and the most wild erotic conquers. For the young son of the reverend of Haworth, who was not handsome nor …