waterproof targa

We’ve just come back from our latest trip in the footsteps of the Brontës. This year, our Yorkshire adventure has been particularly interesting. Our first step, as usual, was the Brontë Parsonage Museum in Haworth, house of the most famous sisters writers in English literature.

This year, for the first time, we had the chance to take pictures of the interiors as well as the renowned iconic facade that we all have come to know so well. Follow us then, enter the rooms where they used to laugh, suffer, dream and live in. Peek inside the living room or the kitchen, stay next to the clock on the stairs- can you picture them talking to each other, in those spots so familiar to them?

WatermarkstudioPatrick Brontë’s study– Patrick Brontë used this room as his study, he used to carry out most of his parish business from here. On the left you can see the piano Emily used to play.

watermarksaloneThe Dining Room– Masterpieces like ‘Jane Eyre’, ‘Wuthering Heights’ and ‘Agnes Grey’ were written in this room, as Charlotte, Emily and Anne did most of their writing here. The sisters used to walk around the table until about eleven o’clock, reading and discussing about their writing projects. On the right you can see the sofa where Emily died; while above the fireplace there is a copy of Charlotte’s portrait by Richmond.

watermarkcucinaThe Kitchen– Branwell, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne used to spend a lot of time in this room with Tabitha, writing on their little books, telling stories and playing games with her.

waterproof scaleThe stairs–  The entrance hall we can see today is smaller than it was back then, as Charlotte widened the dining room at the expense of the hall in 1850.

pendola1The clock–  Every night at nine, after family prayers at eight o’clock, Mr Brontë would lock and bar the front door, pass the sitting room where the girls were still writing and talking, and kindly say to them not to be up late; half-way up the stairs he stayed his steps to wind up the clock.

watermarkcameraPatrick Brontë’s bedroom– After his wife’s death in 1821 Patrick Brontë left the room they had shared and moved into the bedroom across the landing, which remained his for the rest of his life. He shared this room with his son Branwell towards the end of his life.

waterproof studio
Charlotte’s writing desk
waterproof jane eyre
Jane Eyre