On August the 19th 2016 the well known Australian Brontë unnamedscholar Christine Alexander presented her latest publication, Celebrating Charlotte Brontë Trasforming Life into Literature in Jane Eyre, written with the Canadian scholar Sara L. Pearson, at the Brontë Society Conference in Manchester, during the event organized at the very elegant Midland Hotel.

Christine Alexander is a Brontë scholar mostly known for her innovative study about Charlotte’s Juvenilia, which she has in a large part edited and commented. In fact, in 1983 Alexander wrote The Early writings of Charlotte Brontë, a text that still today is considered the very core of every kind of study and analysis about Charlotte’s Juvenilia.

This year, on the occasion of Charlotte’s bicentenary, the Brontë Society has published Alexander’s new, volumious book- a text which is meant to bring the 21st century reader inside the Brontë world, through a biographical and creative path, accompanying him through every significant phase which lead to the writing of Jane Eyre. This book is very well illustrated and commented, it is composed by three sections, each of it containing 12 chapters, for a total of 200 A4 pages.

BS Vice-president Patsy Stoneman, a Brontë writer and scholar herself, said about this book: “This text is perfect for beginners as well as scholars, since it offers to both categories very solid points of view and reflection. It should be present in every worthy Brontë library.”

Christine Alexander, a friend of mine for more than ten years now, was so kind to write a precious inscription on my copy of the book, which is already valuable part of my collection in my “Brontë room.”


Maddalena De Leo