In the footsteps of Anne Brontë- Visiting Scarborough

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Last summer our research in the footsteps of the Brontës led us even to the North of Yorkshire, far beyond the windy moors around Haworth. So, together with Patrizio, loving boyfriend and precious friend, on an unusually hot and very sunny afternoon, with rucksacks on our backs and sunglasses on our noses, we got to …

View From the Window: The Brontës in Brussels

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This last summer, our strong passion for the Brontё family led us far away from the Parsonage and from England- in fact, we followed Charlotte and Emily’s footsteps to Brussels, Belgium. We examined everything in depth, set a plan, got a map and a good kway, and in a cold and wet afternoon of August, …

View From the Window- Top Withens

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The first time we went to Haworth in 2014, we chose to go on a walk on the moors in a warm, sunny and windy morning at the end of April. Though we didn’t know which paths we would take we perfectly knew where we wanted to go: to Top Withens, of course. Top Withens, …

View From the Window: Wind on the Moors

View From the Window: the Graveyard and the Parsonage

Looking at the pictures of this place on the Net, before visiting Haworth, we used to think this was a very gloomy and quite place. When we actually got there, however, we found out that it was completely different from what we thought; there are plenty of pleaseant noises all around the Parsonage– crows and …