We are very proud to announce that also this year The Sisters’ Room is collaborating with the Brontë Parsonage Museum. On the last Friday of each month we will publish special contents curated by the experts of the museum.  Let’s have a look at what’s inside the closets, drawers and cupboards at the Parsonage. You will find in this section some of the objects that belonged to the Brontë family and which are kept in the Brontë Parsonage Museum archives. Enjoy this new article!

The Brontë children wrote tiny magazines in miniscule script for their toy soldiers which are now known as their ‘little books’. The books, written with quill pens, contain stories, poetry and reviews, and were intended to resemble printed magazines. This ‘little book’ belongs to the second series of Young Men’s Magazines, which was created by Charlotte in 1830 when she was just 14. It was bought by the society on 18 November 2019 by auction, with massive support from the public. The society now owns five out of the six ‘little books’ from the second series, the sixth’s location is currently unknown.

The Brontë Parsonage Museum