Spotted Boots: Treasures From The Brontë Parsonage Museum

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We are very proud to announce that this year The Sisters’ Room is collaborating with the Brontë Parsonage Museum. On the last Friday of each month we will publish special contents curated by the experts of the museum.  Let’s have a look at what’s inside the closets, drawers and cupboards at the Parsonage. You will find in this new category some of the objects that …

Jane Eyre: a very special edition

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Our latest journey to Haworth was short but really intense. Amongst our favourite memories there is the happiness to come back to the Brontë Parsonage Museum, bringing with us something very special this time: our book about Emily and the places of Wuthering Heights. Can you imagine how fast our hearts were beating, knowing that …

Literary travellers in search of Tabitha Aykroyd’s Grave

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Did you know that looking around Haworth graveyard   you can still find the grave where Tabitha Aykroyd was buried in 1855? We had the chance to see it several times but remembering its exact location is still complicated. It can be found somewhere near the small wall that separates the Parsonage garden from the cemetery, …