Emily Brontë, la prima biografia completa is a very important text for a Brontë enthusiast. As a matter of fact, this text is a translation by Professor Maddalena De Leo, Italian representative for the BS in Italy, of Agnes Mary Robinson’s biography entitled Emily Brontë. Published by L’ArgoLibro, this 1883 biography has finally been translated into Italian for the first time.

Thanks to our collaboration with L’ArgoLibro we’ve recently had the chance to read this work and get lost through these pages, as well as into Emily’s life. This is indeed the very first existing biography of the author of Wuhtering Heights– just imagine how thrilled and happy we are! We can finally read these pages into Italian, this is such a big news for Italian readers!

In her text, Agnes Mary Robinson talks about Emily with passion, worship, respect, affection- from her words you can totally get the feeling of a great admiration. In fact the author wrote this biography to release Emily Brontë from her image of the time. Let’s remember that Emily gave to the Victorian audience a very dark novel, and that it was not so well welcomed by the critics when it was published.

So thanks to the priceless help of Ellen Nussey, Mary Robinson was able to draw a new picture of Emily– it’s also thanks to this biography that today we can think of this amazing poet and novelist as the most tormented, yet wild and free, Brontë sister.

Even if a great attention is given to Branwell and to his deep bond with Emily, we can still feel that something is missing here. Sure enough a lot of facts are neglected in this work, which is still a very good text worth reading, and in particular, it’s a valuable treasure for a Brontë enthusiast
As a matter of fact, in this special year full of great celebrations for her bicentenary, it’s really good to find some of Emily’s spirit hidden here and there. Thanks to these pages and words we can still feel her so close to us.


Have you already read Emily Brontë by Agnes Mary Robinson? If you want to read something new and if you can read Italian, don’t miss our book about Emily: E sognai di Cime Tempestose- Viaggio nei luoghi del romanzo di Emily Brontë